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Naira Petrosyan was born in 1974 on 25th of February in Yerevan, in the family of artists. In 1991 she left school N 189 in Yerevan.
Since 1985, had been attending a circus studio home of culture Kanaz of Yerevan and performing tours in various regions of Armenia.
She entered and graduated from the Department of Bandstand and Circus of the Yerevan Institute of Theatre Arts receiving the qualification of ''artist of circus and bandstand” in 1991-1995.
As a magician took practical courses in Moscow at the famous magician, popular Artist of USSR Harutyun Hakobyan in 1994-1995, and in 2000 – 2001, in Moscow, attended courses under the guidance of renowned trainer - popular Artist of Russia Michael Bagdasaryan.
N. Petrosyan worked in the circus of Moscow named after “Yuri Nikulin” as an actress of original genre in 1995-1998.
Her partners were her brother Sos (Junior) and her brother’s wife Victoria Petrosyan, simultaneously creating famous entertainment numbers “Illusion miniatures”. With the troupe “circus and eccentric theatre” of Moscow presented Armenian circus art in more than 15 countries of the world, simultaneously being the soloist of the state circus of Yerevan in 1998.
In national circus of Armenia as a juggler and an actress of original genre performed with other artists of the CIS in representations of Yerevan Circus.
In 2003 at the same time created a well-known entertainment programs "In the world of animals" and as the only female trainer so far successfully performs in a circus combining the responsibilities of leadership and director of the aforementioned programs. In the same year part-time is also the artistic director of the studio-school named after L. Yengibaryan adjacent to Yerevan Circus. As a trainer in the program ''In the animal world'' included a number of exotic animals including horses, ponies, donkeys, ostriches, llamas, dogs, rabbits, pigs, goats, pigeons, chickens, ducks, as well as bear, lion, and etc...
Since 1995 with the charitable program performed in different regions of Armenia, almost in all military units, orphanages, schools and kindergartens of Karabagh.
Summing up all genres of circus art N. Petrosyan presented in circus studio set of performances, which have been included in the repertoire of representations of the Yerevan Circus.
While on tour in different countries, she gave lectures to the students about the circus Diaspora, local institutions of art, viewers of television and the press.
The above mentioned works have been published in newspapers and magazines both in Armenia and in many other countries.
She is the member of the circus promoters’ of Russia and France union.
As a juggler and an actor of the original genre she was awarded the laureate’s rank in the international festivals in Moscow, Tokyo and in France. |